Annual General Meeting Iranian Bushwalkers 2022

Annual General Meeting Iranian Bushwalkers 2022

Iranian Bushwalkers

Start Time

17 November 2022 19:00 PM
(GMT+10:00) Melbourne

End Time

17 November 2022 21:00 PM
(GMT+10:00) Melbourne


Private, join to see

Ehsan Gazar


Ehsan Gazar


We are delighted to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of Iranian Bushwalkers which will be held from 6 pm to 8 pm on Thursday 17th November online in Zoom.

Event Topics

In this event, a few decisions need to be made, which come as below:

  1. To decide the number of ordinary members of the Committee AGM wishes to hold office for the next year.
  2. To elect the members of the Committee as below. The Committee consists of
  • a President; and
  • a Vice-President; and
  • a Secretary; and
  • a Treasurer; and
  • ordinary members
  1. To confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since then

  2. To confirm or vary the amounts (if any) of the annual subscription and joining fee.

  3. To receive and consider the annual report of the Committee on the activities of the Association during the preceding financial year

  4. To receive and consider the financial statements of the Association for the preceding financial year submitted by the Committee in accordance with Part 7 of the Act

  5. To confirm new changes in our Model rules for an incorporated association 2022. you can get the latest one HERE You can find our new changes in PART 3: MEMBERS, DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES, AND GRIEVANCES, under sections 9 and 10, PAGE 6 and 7, in which we have added Renewal of Memberships to the procedure.

Be A Volunteer

You can also be a help to Iranian Bushwalkers:

  1. Nominate yourself for the Committee, please send an email to by one of the above positions listed in a committee.
  2. If you cannot join the AGM, you may appoint another member as your proxy to vote and speak on your behalf at the meeting. To do so, you need to reply to this email with your proxy name

Since we now have great news of opening up restrictions in Victoria, I hope to see you more often in the next adventures of Iranian Bushwalkers

Please reach out if you had any queries.

Secretary Of Iranian Bushwalkers

Ehsan Gazar

Joined (9)

Amir Aslan Fila

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